Janice Mercieri Janice Mercieri


It all begins with an idea.

Massachusetts continues to aggressively test for American Foulbrood in the wake of a large outbreak in Central Massachusetts along the I-91 corridor. There have been several more apiaries where AFB has been identified, throughout Massachusetts. At this point, ALL bees and used equipment coming into Massachusetts must be inspected. If you get bees or used equipment from anywhere in Massachusetts, they should have a health certificate. Please make sure that you have a health certificate for all bees from Massachusetts. Also, don't forget to register your apiaries, or update your registration, if you have not already done so. This allows the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture to contact you if AFB is identified near your apiary. Registration is free, voluntary and does not need to be renewed unless your apiaries change.  https://www.agriculture.nh.gov/publications-forms/documents/apiary-registration.pdf

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